Insight | Hazel Graham

“You talk too much,” he said.

“I do that when I’m nervous,” I whispered, utterly afraid of him. I wasn’t only looking back to admire him, I was watching my back. At any given moment, if he threatened my livelihood, I wouldn’t have hesitated to yank the wheel violently and cause an accident. Dramatic, I know. But whatever it took….

“Don’t be.” He spoke calmly and unimpressed over my hesitancy of him. “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise.”


The Passion we Share is only told from one POV—Hazel Graham. 

She’s focused, dedicated to her profession, and overworked. If you were to ask her how she felt about that, she would assure you she is paid very well, so she doesn’t mind it. 

Furthermore, her life is unexciting and practically colorless until Rakim breaks into her car.

Mhm! You read that right!

She doesn’t know what he’s running/hiding from, but suddenly, she feels inclined to help him.


Hey, don’t judge me. This thrilling storyline popped into my head and wouldn’t leave me alone. I had to execute it beautifully. And believe me; I did that!

Prepare yourself.

Just wait until you see how this story unfolds.

The Passion we Share will be available Thursday, April 18th.

I can’t wait for you to indulge (:
